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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday February 19, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present:  Chairman, Donald Sharpe; Vice-Chairman, Walter Motyka; Elana Bertram; Martin Gersten; Jean Leonard
Absent:  Joseph Humeston; Thomas Murtha; Allan Song
Also Present: Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development; Betsy Paynter, Economic Development Coordinator; developer Phillip Clark,  Michael Burton, SHOP, and EDC  consultant Robert Rau.

Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
Donald Sharpe discussed the status of members of the EDC.  Thomas Murtha will be resigning and James  Gulalo’s appointment is before the Board of Selectmen.
Public Participation:  
Phil Clark, Claris Construction: Asked if engineering for the Hawleyville Sewer Expansion project could be started to expedite the project.  The EDC is in favor of advocating moving the sewer project along.
Michael Burton, President of SHOP; Stated that SHOP would like to see town owned property in the Sandy Hook Design District be developed for uses that complement current businesses. Don Sharpe asked that participants limit their public remarks to 10 minutes.
Elizabeth Stocker, Director of Economic and Community Development:  Stated that the RFP process for Fairfield Hills is on hold for now as there is interest in the property due to the tragedy of 12/14.
Two new grants were discussed:
STEAP Business Assistance Grant, which is in response to 12/14: The deadline for applications has passed.  Donald Sharpe saidthe EDC must review allocations and recommendations before the distribution of funds.
Rededication of a grant originally assigned to Kevin’s Community Center is now assigned to the Parent Connection
Ms. Stocker gave an update on the EPA grant for Danbury Hall and the single family homes.

Budget Update:    Specific budget items were discussed including supporting a Commercial Brokers’ Meeting to be held April 26 at Simm Lane.  Total cost should not exceed a couple of hundred dollars.
Approval of Meeting Minutes for December 18, January 10, and January 15 meetings:  Martin Gersten motioned to approve minutes.  Walter Motyka seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved unanimously.
Betsy Paynter, Economic Development Coordinator:   Gave an update on activities including Cash Mob, eNewsletter, business seminars being offered by Economic Development, BNI meeting and Shop Local Campaign scheduled to begin May 1.
Roundtable updates:
Business Incubator – Elana Bertram stated that Sacred Heart University’s Business School students may do an analysis to compare types of incubators in towns similar to Newtown.  Discussion followed regarding incubators and what types might be successful.
By-Laws – Martin Gersten has drafted new by-laws for the EDC, will make requested  changes and will circulate next month for approval.  
Old Business:  
Ratify January 15, 2013 actions:  Martin Gersten motioned to ratify January 15th actions:  Buy Local campaign and STEAP Committee funding allocations.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion.  The vote passed unanimously.
New Business:
Extensive discussion took place regarding the Buy Local campaign planned for spring.  Discussion included if this campaign would affect businesses who are members of multiple organizations, whether funding is available from STEAP grant and specific budget that is available for the program.  Elana Bertram stated that the EDC is open to all Newtown businesses and municipally funded programs should benefit all businesses. There is $9,000 in the EDC current year’s budget that has not been committed to specific programs.  Don Sharpe suggested ways that the $9,000 could be used.   Martin Gersten motioned to support the Buy Local campaign with a budget not to exceed $7,000.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion.  Martin Gersten, Walter Motyka, Jean Leonard and Elana Bertram voted in favor, Donald Sharpe voted against.  The motion passed 4-1.
Discussion on EDC commissioners’ areas of oversight for 2013 and the projects the EDC will emphasize  in the year followed:
Changes to assignments include:
Fairfield Hills RFP and Fast Track developer review program. – no volunteers, will discuss at March meeting
Brownfields – Martin Gersten, Elana Bertram, Elizabeth Stocker, Bob Rau
Buy Local – Elizabeth Stocker

Elizabeth Stocker stated that the Board of Selectmen meeting at the same time conceptually favored the recently enacted EDC Business Incentive Plan, with some changes.  Donald Sharpe motioned to make changes to the Business Incentive Plan per BOS suggestions.  Walter Motyka seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Donald Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 PM.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.




Meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM.

Martin Gersten moved to approve the meeting minutes from 12/18, 1/10 and 1/15 meetings.  Walter Motyka seconded it.  The vote passed unanimously.

Martin Gersten motioned to ratify the January 15th actions:  Buy local campaign and oversight of the STEAP Committee funding allocation.  Elana Bertram seconded.  The vote passed unanimously.

Martin Gersten motioned to support the Buy Local campaign, not to exceed a budget of $7,000.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion.  Martin Gersten, Walter Motyka, Jean Leonard and Elana Bertram voted for the motion.  Don Sharpe voted against it.

Elana Bertram motioned to allow spending the remaining unallocated money in the budget, not to exceed $2,000, to the discretion of Elizabeth Stocker.  Jean Leonard seconded the motion.  It passed unanimously.

Don Sharpe motioned to make changes to the Business Incentive Plan per the Board of Selectman’s suggestions.  Walter Motyka seconded the motion.  It passed unanimously.

Don Sharpe motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:32 PM.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion.  It passed unanimously.